At Avant AI Academy, middle and high school students are immersed in hands-on learning, mentorship by top AI practitioners, and supportive peer networks at top universities.Students will participate in project-based learning and attend lectures in various aspects of computing and artificial intelligence. They will then apply those concepts and techniques to real world challenges and learn to leverage AI for social good.
Students will have an opportunity to explore AI technologies in a project based environment. This will kickstart their interest in AI based careers. AI is Everywhere and they can be at the forefront of technology innovation.
Student ideate an AI project based on their passion to solve a problem around them. They can work individually or in a team. They will present their project at the end and will add to their resume.
Students will add their AI passion projects to resume. They can write their essays and tell a story of the problem they solved using AI technologies. Students are Changemakers and will use AI to solve global problems around.
Avant Academy will provide a platform to develop a passion AI project which will provide experience and confidence. Students are positioned to seek an internship in AI based mentorship programs.
Engage in hands-on learning experiences and explore how AI tools can help make the world a better place.
Middle and High School Students (Grades 7 to 12) or equivalent. AI Basics and AI Advanced levels are offered. Students will be placed at different levels based on their abilities. Avant Academy does not place students based on their grades. We provide advance programs to young aspiring students.
Program Fees: $600(all inclusive)
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No Perquisites
Coaches are Top Ivy League Ph. D graduates
A first course in computer programming using the Python programming language. This course covers basic programming concepts such as variables, data types, iteration, flow of control, input/output, and functions. This course will assume no previous computer programming experience. Students will be able to compete in ACSL competition.
Week day and Weekend options are available Applications are processed on a rolling basis. Limited seats.
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Program Fees: $900 (all inclusive)
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Basic Python Programming is a prerequisite
Coaches are Top Ivy League Ph. D graduates
Hours of Instruction: 30 hours Project Based learning
This course covers advanced programming concepts such as data structures, algorithms, recursion, object-oriented programming, graphical user interfaces, and event-driven programming. Students will prepare for ACSL and USACO competitions.
Week day and Weekend options are available
Applications are processed on a rolling basis.
Limited seats.
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Program Fees: $1200 (all inclusive)
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Advance Python Programming is a prerequisite
Coaches are Top Ivy League Ph. D graduates
Hours of Instruction: 30 hours Project Based learning
This course covers topics on Linear Regression, Simple Machine Learning, Simple Neural Networks and Keras, Image Classification, Tensorflow and other Deep Learning Frameworks, Unsupervised Learning, k-Nearest Neighbors , Performance Optimization , Transfer Learning, other Advanced Topics. Student ideate an AI project based on their passion to solve a problem around them.
Week day and Weekend options are available
Applications are processed on a rolling basis.
Limited seats.
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Program Fees: $2500 (all inclusive)
Please register and pay online.
AI Programming is a prerequisite
Coaches are Top Ivy League Ph. D graduates
Hours of Instruction: 30 hours Project Based learning
Please Zelle:
Identify the field of research with the help of a Ph.D mentor . Work on a detail research project and get ready to publish. We will help you present at different conferences. Get ready to submit to college as a portfolio.
Weekday and Weekend options are available
Applications are processed on a rolling basis.
Limited seats.
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Battling Blindness in Premature Babies - Early detection and Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy
Real-Time Analysis of Emotions for Neurological Disorder Patients
Predicting the Development of Secondary Central Nervous System Cancer through Machine Learning
Stock Trading Using Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Predict Digital asset Market Based on Block Chain Activity Data
Distributed stock market creation By Machine Learning agents for BlockChain Analysis
Artificial Intelligence to assist lawyers in processing workflows for compliance and regulations
Data Analysis of Fake News Detection using convolutional networks
Machine Learning Algorithm to help with political campaigns
Multiple Time-Step Predictive Models for Hurricanes Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Flood risk prediction using Machine Learning
A Holistic Application to Diagnose Crop Diseases
Application of Music Therapy using machine learning
Use Spam Filters to Detect Malware using Machine Learning approach to Malware Detection
Convolutional Neural Network Powered Self-Driving Car
Improving Particle Classification in Dark Matter Detection Using Neural Networks
A Linked Learning Approach to Automated Galaxy Morphology Classification
Multi-Orbit Space Debris Cloud Tracking Using Machine Learning